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Conspiracy Theories: It’s More Likely Than You Might


Updated: Nov 3, 2021

By Charlotte Lane

Corona Virus

A new virus has emerged killing many in China and sickening individuals around the world.Fear of a new illness has led to the spread of misinformation over the internet.

Fake symptoms such as sudden death and bleeding from the eyes have been talked about. Additionally the fear of the virus has led to racism, xenophobia, and anti international sentiments, particularly targeted towards China. Some believe the virus has already entered the United States and the government is covering it up.

Conclusion: You should probably worry about the flu killing thousands of people in the United States before freaking out about Coronavirus. Get vaccinated and fact check your information.

Melania Trump's Body Double

First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, has been replaced by a body double, and that the "real" Melania is either dead or gone from public life. Supporters of the theory allege differences in facial features, bodily dimensions, or demeanor between the original and replacement Melania. Trump referred aloud to "My wife, Melania, who happens to be right here."

Melania was not seen or heard from by the public for 5 weeks after a surgery.

Conclusion: Honestly who knows at this point.

Government spy planes in Ohio

A Russian spy plane was spotted over the Midwest. A TU-145 flew over Ohio on Aug. 11. Some watchers feared surveillance from another country. The flight was actually part of the Open Skies Treaty and fully authorized. Conclusion: An exciting day for airplane fans in the Midwest, but probably doesn’t lead to anything more.

Saint Valentine is Still Alive

I saw him yesterday at Walmart, he’s doing okay.

All images from Google Images.


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