Club Beat
Updated: Nov 3, 2021

By Julia Park
Student Council
Mission Statement: The purpose of Student Council is to promote cooperation between students and faculty, while serving as representatives for the views of the student body. Student Council has the responsibility of openly communicating with the administration in order to make the school a better and more productive learning environment.
School Events Committee arranged the Winter Formal dance, which had an attendance of over 400 students. The money from this dance will be used to fund two scholarships and cover the cost of Valentine's Day.
Community Service Committee is organizing a Mix-It-Up Day.
Juniors are organizing Battle of the Bands, which will take place on March 29.
Seniors are selling Senior Trip tickets and will be collecting Senior Follies skits.
Multicultural Club
Mission Statement: Multicultural Club aims to celebrate and spread awareness about different cultures from around the world throughout the high school environment. In MCC, we learn about the rich cultural diversity of our community through presentations, food, art, music and speakers.
We welcome our members to give presentations about their culture, visit restaurants in Athens, enjoy food and music, present an annual Multicultural Festival and attend events like the International Street Fair at the Ohio University.
Held a holiday celebration where members participated in a holiday quiz, colored flags and ate food.
Started to plan Multicultural Club Festival, which will be on March 28.
Next Meeting: February 28. Lunches 1 and 2 in Mr. Fry’s room (E124)
Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies
Mission Statement: WGSS aims to empower the students of AHS by providing a space for open-minded conversation. We explore the history of feminism, present-day feminist issues and movements, and how to get involved in activism for positive change. This club additionally wishes to work on raising awareness about casual sexism and discrimination in the classroom through the education of all genders and identities in our school community.
Vice President Zoe Wagner: “This is not a women’s only space! All people and opinions are welcome.”
Held a potluck and discussed women in politics, women's health, consent/sexual education and minority voting statistics.
Invited guest speaker, Principal Chad Springer, to discuss the reporting and investigation process regarding sexual assault, harassment and bullying.
Meetings: Wednesdays in Laura Tuljak’s room
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