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Texas Snow Storms, what do they show about climate change?

by Harold Lane

Recently Texas was hit by a huge cold storm which shut off the power by freezing power plants and many Texas lost access to clean water and food. Despite what you may think this snowstorm did not come out of anywhere, and Texas had ample time to prepare for this storm. But what can be done to prepare for these storms and do they represent the greater problem of climate change?

Ten years ago in 2011 people working as energy regulators warned that Texas was not prepared for a winter storm. Despite that Texas still never took measures to prepare. Climate scientists also warned that climate change would raise the average temperature of the world and cause random weather events like the snowstorm.

But what could Texas have done to prepare? The main thing they would have needed to do was just plan correctly. They needed to do things like add insulation and other types of protection to power plants. During the time right before the storm weather forecasters warned that power plants that were shut down for maintenance should be turned on in preparation, but they never were leaving many Texans without power.

Even though Texas could have properly planned that still wouldn't address the bigger problem of climate change.

Many people assume that life is just like usual because they don't understand climate change and its effects. But scientists have been warning people science the 19th century that climate change will get worse over time, however people refuse to listen.

Many people might assume that a snowstorm would not be the result of climate change, a phenomenon is known for heating things up, however, climate change is not that simple.

Currently, because of climate change, the jet stream keeping cold air in the northern hemisphere is weakening causing cold air to be displaced causing these seemingly random events in places like Texas which should be warm almost year-round.

This climate change isn't only affecting Texas, however. It damaged unprepared power plants in places like California causing electricity bills to rise in demand and cause power to surge.

While exports research a look for ways to solve climate change, what can these cities do? Mainly these cities should stick to methods of protection that work and mainly city planners should do a better job of preparing cities for random weather events.

However, these measures will be nothing if climate change is not dealt with soon as if it's not these events will only ever get worse.

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