Spring flowers and how to identify them
by Emma Hartman
Springtime in Athens county is an excellent place to be if you love flowers because they can be found around every corner. Three of the most popular and common are daffodils, forsythia, and hyacinth. April is an excellent time to go for a walk around your neighborhood to check out the blooming flowers. Below are some of the most common flowers and some interesting information about them.

Daffodils can be found all around Athens, and are characterized by their bright yellow petals. Interestingly, daffodils have been around for the entirety of human history. Ancient Romans heavily prized daffodils because it was believed that their sap had miraculous healing properties. Daffodils are extremely hearty and tough, meaning they can survive large changes in temperature. A daffodil field can survive for decades without any upkeep because daffodils are perennials.

Forsythia is found in large yellow bushes covered in small yellow blooms. These bushes grow extremely fast and are very common around Athens. It is native to Asia, where it was originally used to treat fevers. In Victorian society, giving somebody forsythia meant that you were anticipating anything from a gift to an invitation from them. Forsythia bushes are perennials, meaning you do not have to replant them every year. Sophomore Emma Bianco says, “Forsythia is my favorite springtime flower! I love to walk around and see them blooming.”

Hyacinths are flowers that come in many different colors and bloom early in the springtime. Hyacinths are very fragrant and are often found in large groups. The name of the hyacinth has an interesting origin. In Greek mythology, Zeus was teaching Hyakinthos how to throw a discus. Overcome with jealousy, Zephyr killed Hyakinthos with his discus. From the spot where Hyakinthos’ blood lay bloomed a flower that they called the hyacinth.