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From fleece neck gaiters to cotton masks, the material makes a difference

By Kaela Ricket

In light of the coronavirus, a mask is a necessity to go anywhere or do anything. To some, wearing a mask is simply to comply with the rules, but in reality, a mask (if worn properly and with the correct material) can prevent the spread and protect you. Some materials help, others hurt.

The fleece neck gaiter, commonly used by athletes, is shown to be one of the least effective masks. A study conducted by Duke University proved that wearing a neck gaiter has a rate of 110% droplet transmission. The higher the droplet transmission rate, the more the virus is being transferred through the air. This is caused by the neck fleece dispersing the original large droplets into small droplets, increasing the number of droplets.

This gaiter is spreading the virus and proving to be an ineffective mask. As opposed to not wearing a mask at all (a 100% droplet transmission) wearing a neck gaiter is worse at stopping the spread of COVID-19 than not wearing a mask at all. Hartford Healthcare who did an in-depth article on the effectiveness of mask material writes, “The study’s big loser, the neck gaiter, is too thin to offer much protection, the researchers concluded”. The main objective of wearing a mask is to protect the wearer and the people around them. If a mask is completely ineffective, then the wearer should find a more suitable one.

The fitted N95, typically reserved for healthcare workers, holds true to be the most effective mask. This mask is proven to be effective by the CDC, and other studies such as the Duke study. A fitted N95 has a .01% droplet transmission, therefore protecting the wearer and the community around them. Although this mask is the most protective and helps stop the spread the best, these masks are pricey. These masks are also being reserved for healthcare workers who are highly exposed to the virus, workers such as nurses and doctors who work in COVID units. If you have easy access to an N95 and are at high risk, this mask would be the best choice.

The typically light blue surgical mask is a mask that has been used for years by surgeons and other healthcare workers that have recently been used in the prevention against virus COVID-19. The surgical mask is the second-best alternative to the fitted N95 since its purpose is to provide protection against larger respiratory droplets from coughs or sneezes. These masks (like most) work best when they are tight-fitting, without gaps. The downside of this mask is that it isn’t reusable. After one use of this mask, it must be properly disposed of and not worn again. The surgical mask is also a mask that can only be bought when in stock. Healthcare workers are prioritized to receive surgical masks so a buyer might not be able to get a regular flow of these masks.

The presumably most common mask is the homemade two-layered cotton mask. This mask is a good choice for people who aren’t at high risk and aren’t getting high exposure. The homemade two-layered cotton mask works best when fitted tightly with little to no gaps. This mask protects yourself and others from COVID-19 effectively. The homemade two-layered cotton mask has an upside of being reusable as well. The reusable aspect is an important thing to factor in when making a mask decision because you can be more environmentally cautious.

When choosing your mask it is important to think of the reasons for wearing one, to protect yourself and others. Wearing an effective mask will help. Do your part in stopping the spread by choosing your material wisely.

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