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Criticizing China's treatment of Ughyer Muslims


Updated: Jan 18, 2021

By Xan Jordan,

In the past three years, much news has come to light on the topic of Ughyer Muslims in China. This conflict derives from an ethnic divide and a cultural divide as well. The Ughyer people are a self-proclaimed east Asian group from the region of Xinjiang in China. This is an autonomous region that was once East Turkmenistan for a brief period. This ethnic group is a majority Muslim group and speaks a Turkic language.

They are a minority compared to the majority Han Chinese ethnic groups in China. Over the past couple of years, as more economic opportunity has developed, the Han Chinese have sought out jobs in Xinjiang. However, these jobs seem to favor the Han Chinese people rather than the indigenous Ughyer people. Also, the addition of many riots and protests by the Ughyer people has caused friction with the Chinese government. Notably, in 2008, when a few people were killed, the blame was placed on the Ughyer people. As a result of violent uprisings, there has been an increase in surveillance in their living areas. In fact, a New York Times article notes how there is surveillance used to specifically target them, which is terrifying with the rapid development of AI.

There is also discontent on the side of the ethnic group because they feel discriminated against by Han Chinese and the government. China has also placed many bands on their cultural and religious practices. Notably the re-education camps. According to an article by the Guardian, China has built over 380 internment camps. Much of what happens in these camps is unknown. However, cultural assimilation is a key part of what is happening. These camps have supposedly jail-like features, reduction and are considered a cultural erasure of the Ughyr people. One article gives some insight. A Vox article notes how a man whose father was the target was forced to read Chinese propaganda and that torture methods included waterboarding, sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.

What China is doing is horrific, cultural erasure, and assimilation. Trying to homogenize China into a race that erases minorities and their backgrounds and culture is a form of genocide. We cannot allow this to happen and must educate ourselves on what’s happening and advocate our local governments in our politicians who can influence what happens and what we can do about it. We also must speak up about it so they do not go unheard.



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