ACSD reopens classrooms full-time for the final grading period
Updated: Nov 3, 2021
by Clay Boeninger
When he was first weighing options to return to some sort of in-person instruction, Superintendent Dr. Tom Gibbs had just two things on his mind: the health and safety of the students across the district.
Now, seven months later, Gibbs says he is still working to provide the best and safest education possible for his district’s students.
“ I see my role as constantly monitoring the overall holistic needs of our students and families and making adjustments as necessary,” said Gibbs. “Even when the resulting decisions may not be popular.”
Gibbs says he was afforded that decision-making power by the Board of Education. “That decision was to approve a plan that permitted the Superintendent to make adjustments moving forward,” Gibbs said. This power allowed him to slowly bring more students back into the classroom for more in-person instruction.
The first move towards in-person instruction was to implement a hybrid learning program in which some students would attend class in-person two days out of the week. Others opted to stay completely online.
Recently, Gibbs brought back all students whose families wanted to return for four days of in-person instruction per week, the closest resemblance of normalcy since schools shut down in March 2020. Those who did not want to return to the classroom full-time are now learning exclusively from home.
Gibbs’ motivation for making this decision was two-fold: according to Gibbs, fewer students have been showing up to online classes, and district staff members recently had the opportunity to be vaccinated against COVID-19. “The most significant determining factor though was the ability for any staff member who wanted to be vaccinated to be vaccinated,” Gibbs said.
The Athens City-County Health Department appears to have given their blessing, albeit not required, to the District to proceed with the fourth-quarter reopening plans. Jack Pepper, an administrator at the Health Department, said, “We have reviewed those plans and are comfortable with how [the District] intends to move forward.”
Others are not so comfortable, however. Junior Sarah Braun said that the main reason she was returning to online instruction for the final grading period was because of what she called “the lack of social distancing ability” in the high school.
Braun said that she was also concerned about the lack of ventilation in the high school. “I was apprehensive because they could not ensure social distancing and the fact that our building does not allow for open windows or extensive ventilation,” Braun added.
“Unfortunately, the HVAC system there limits us in some regards,” Gibbs said. However, Gibbs hopes that the coming of warm spring weather will enhance airflow. “As it warms up outside, we can run fans more continuously, which should help a bit,” Gibbs said.
To date, 25 staff members and 20 students across the district have tested positive for COVID-19, just under ten percent and one percent of their respective groups.
When asked about next year’s potential learning modalities, Gibbs said that, as of now, there will not be an online-only option. Gibbs said, “We are preparing to be in person every day if at all possible.”

As of March 26., the ACSD COVID-19 Dashboard reported that 25 faculty/staff members and 20 students have tested positive for COVID-19.

Ohio University’s Heritage Hall, where many Athenians are going to get their shot, served as the vaccination site for ACSD teachers.