Students and teachers navigate new SEL program.
By: Clay Boeninger
A new Social Emotional Learning program at AHS will teach students ways to manage their mental and emotional health.
The District is required by the state to offer some form of SEL programming after the Ohio State Board of Education passed SEL standards in June 2019.
However, the SEL team at the high school hopes to do more than simply fulfill their obligation. The team is comprised of Chad Springer, Laura Tuljak, Cynthia Caruso-Hartman, Allison Koga, Michelle Tuten and Dana Morehead.
“The goal for the SEL program is for students to begin to understand and manage emotions, to set and achieve positive goals, to feel and show empathy for others,” said the committee in an interview.
During SEL days, which occur every Monday during Academic Coaching, students can write about their emotions and goals, talk with their peers about the seven mindsets that make up SEL and “develop better decision making skills,” the committee said.
The seven mindsets of SEL include Everything Is Possible, Passion First, We Are Connected, 100% Accountable, Attitude of Gratitude, Live to Give and The Time Is Now.
Some students have had trouble opening up to the program, such as junior Ashleigh James. James said, “My experience so far [with SEL] has been boring and not something to look forward to.”
To students such as James, the SEL team recommends giving the program a shot. “We would also like to encourage students to be themselves and give it time,” the committee said.
“With students being isolated in the last year, it will take time to get to the norms of the classroom and learn to discuss our emotions in an open classroom format.”
Other students have had positive experiences with the program. The SEL team reports that they have heard students giving positive feedback about the Everything is Possible mindset.
Senior Ben Castelino appreciates that the District is doing something to address mental health challenges. “I like that people are trying to bring attention to an important issue,” Castelino said.
The team is glad that the SEL program is off to a largely positive start but understands that some changes may be necessary.
“The SEL committee will be conducting a survey for students as we approach the end of the first quarter,” the committee said. “This survey’s purpose will be to collect student feedback about ways to improve the SEL program and comments about SEL… thus far.”
Castelino would like to partake in more engaging lessons, while James would prefer to have shorter lessons so that she could finish her school work during AC.
As teachers and students alike adapt to the new program, the committee is confident SEL will positively affect the school. The committee said, “We hope that our program creates a connection to school, positive social behavior and academic performance.”