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How to express your love to those in your life on Valentine's Day


By Hannah Bernstein

Valentine’s Day can be a really great day or a really awkward day, depending if your love is reciprocated or not. Here are some suggestions on how to express your love to those in your life on Valentine’s Day (with some references to the Netflix TV show, You).

Your parents- Make a good cheesy card and take the trash out or similar chore that you have been avoiding.

Your sibling(s)- Share some chocolate and maybe don’t ignore them the entire night and try to hang out with them.

You- Joe, we can still see you even with that ball cap on.

Your best friend- Thank them for putting up with your craziness and being there no matter what.

That one person in your class who you have made eye contact with twice, but you’re in love with now- Please don’t pull a Joe. Do not put on that ball cap. No one wants to spend their Valentine’s Day in the glass cage. Hello YOU.

Your boss because you really want that day off next week- Bring them some chocolate to try to sweeten them up. No one can resist chocolate even if it is cheap.

Chad Springer- Mr. Springer, I finally got my planner signed.

Harry Styles- I promise you sliding into his DMs for the third time TODAY will not get his attention, nor will that guitar cover of Adore You. And that’s on Watermelon Sugar.

I want to end this article by focusing on the singletons who are worrying about finding love. In the US, Valentine’s Day is just a day to sell chocolate and roses. You don't need another person to validate you. You are amazing as just yourself. Take yourself on that dream date and do not wait for an attractive psychotic valentine to take care of you.



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